Interim Update


Epiphany season began on January 6. An epiphany tells us something has changed or is new, maybe even if it is only our perspective. One thing that in NOT an epiphany is the fact that St. Barnabas has been and is blessed with a wealth of committed and gifted members and leaders! Thank you to so many of the them for stepping up in this busy season of your church’s life.

The Transition Team has been selected to work beside me — Brett Turnquist, Denise Holmquist, and Eric Boyd. Nancy Walczak will assist near the end of their process with the writing of Mission Site Profile. She was integral in preparing this document two years ago when calling Pastor Stephanie as associate pastor. The Transition Team will begin the first of the “three great listenings” by deciding upon a process to best answer important questions like “Who are we as a congregation? What are our strengths and growth areas? Where do we find satisfaction and energy? What does our current staffing model allow us to do and impede us from doing in growing our mission?”

Once the best method for answering those questions is chosen, YOU will likely be asked to dream and share your feelings and thoughts on some iteration of those questions. We hope for great participation. Then, alongside updating demographic work, the Transition Team will hopefully dial in on the leader skill sets and competencies that will best fit the church and its culture. They will then prepare the MSP and hand it off to the council for approval. This document will be used by the eventual Call Committee. Please keep this team and all of your amazing lay leadership in your prayers as they work so hard on this process. We have a lot of work ahead of us.

This is an exciting time and I am so grateful to be able to walk beside you in it. God is good! I hold you all in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for yours.

Pastor Tom, Interim


Happy New Year! We celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord this Sunday, Jan. 5. Matthew’s gospel tells the story of the Magi visit to Bethlehem following only a star. I imagine upon encountering a toddler Jesus in very humble surroundings, those astrologers were as surprised as anyone else as to the identity of this Messiah — to whom that star had directed them!

As we continue this journey of discovery in this time of transition for St. Barnabas, perhaps we too can be open to both surprises and where those surprises might be leading us. Now that the holidays have passed, the important work of listening continues as I continue to learn the story of this great faith community. Again, feel free to connect with me and share your story as well. As this process continues, here are a few simply ways you can make a difference: 1) Be regular in your worship attendance and your financial support, 2) when asked to participate in some way, big or little, please do so if you can, and 3) hold St. Barnabas, your leaders, and the call process in your daily prayers. It really makes a difference!

In Christ,

Pastor Tom, Interim


The church council met with Rev. John Hulden, Bishop’s Assistant from the Mpls Area Synod on Monday, December 9th. He reviewed the call process and unique position of St. Barnabas. Since there was no formal interim period in the past senior pastor transition, it was encouraged that leadership enter a season of deep discernment and action involving “Three Great Listenings”: 1. Listen to those coming to church, 2. Listen to the Community outside the church, and 3. Listen to God. It was then decided to appoint a small transition team to both decide the best methods to get this vital information and then begin these ‘listenings’ -- hopefully in early 2025. That team would also prepare the more formal Mission Site Profile (MSP). The MSP when complete, would be approved by both the council and our Bishop (at a congregational meeting – likely later in the spring of 2025) before being given to a Call Committee or any potential candidates. The wheels are turning! Our prayer at this point is for our church members and friends to participate in this process as asked and to keep St. Barnabas and our leadership in your prayers! – Pastor Tom Olson, Interim


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