Loving Our Neighbors through Action
There have been many conversations around St. Barnabas in past weeks that included the question and the statement, “What can I do? I feel like I need to DO something” in relation to the current social and political climate. The Outreach and Justice Team has surfaced one action step that is intended to communicate our solidarity with and intention to protect our immigrant neighbors.
Interim Update
The church council met with Rev. John Hulden, Bishop’s Assistant from the Mpls Area Synod on Monday, December 9th.
Listening Post Feedback
This year, at St. Barnabas, members of the council and an additional 30 regular church attendees took part in listening posts to identify our collective values and in what direction our congregation should be led.
Our Venezuelan Refugees: A Journey in Accompaniment
Last year our Justice and Outreach team invited Pastor Melissa of Tapestry Church in Richfield to speak to us. She talked about her bi-lingual ministry and the people she serves, mostly from Venezuela and other Spanish speaking countries.
How would you be known?
When people speak of you, how do you want to be known? This is a simple, but profound question of legacy, identity, values, and priorities.
Staying Connected this Summer
Staying connected as a congregation is harder in the summer. People leave town, go out on the lake, host visitors, and we see less of each other, in general.
Illegal To Be You
It's Friday night. You'd like to start your weekend with friends and dinner at a great restaurant. But, you're not allowed into most restaurants.
You've been given a promotion and raise that make it possible to upgrade your house or apartment. The perfect place just went on the market. But, no real estate agents will return your calls or agree to schedule a showing.
Our Volunteers Are Amazing!
We have designated Sunday, April 28th as Volunteer Appreciation Sunday. Our volunteers are central to everything that happens at St. Barnabas, and we wanted to take some time to lift them up and celebrate all that they do. Lutherans embrace the idea that we are a “priesthood of all believers”, and our many, many ministers serve God and neighbor in many different ways.
Change and Growth
It has often been said that people hate change, but I don’t think this is entirely true. While many people enjoy routines and familiarity, they also welcome new things. Among other things, new restaurants, new technology, new friends, and new adventures, and we like new seasons (although this winter has proved to be a strange single season that seemed to start all the way back in September!).
What’s a pronoun for?
St. Barnabas is an incredibly hospitable congregation. I felt it the first time I walked in the door, and I continue to feel and observe hospitality from our members. Lots of congregations say that they are welcoming, but St. Barnabas lives that welcome.
Being the Public Church
This past summer St. Barnabas started participating in a new initiative, Riverside Innovation Hub (RIH). RIH is a two-year learning community offered through Augsburg University to help local churches become Public Churches who interact with the community they are in.
What’s your why?
Before you can decide your “what” or your “how”, you need to know your “why”? Learn more in the video below.
Children’s Worship Aids
Whether you bring children to worship or not, you probably have noticed the small tree with rainbow bags hanging on it right next to the Welcome Center. These bags are provided for kids (of any age) to help them engage in worship more fully.
A Transformational Gift
January 28, 2024 was a joyful day in the life of St. Barnabas Lutheran Church. We worshipped together, had a productive congregational meeting and amazing brunch potluck, and we heard news of a transformational gift that had just been given.