Our Volunteers Are Amazing!
We have designated Sunday, April 28th as Volunteer Appreciation Sunday. Our volunteers are central to everything that happens at St. Barnabas, and we wanted to take some time to lift them up and celebrate all that they do. Lutherans embrace the idea that we are a “priesthood of all believers”, and our many, many ministers serve God and neighbor in many different ways.
Did you know that, over the past year, we have been blessed by at least 112 unique volunteers over our many ministries. They have served:
In worship, as musicians, assisting ministers, lectors, communion assistants, greeters, ushers, cantors, sanctuary care team members, banner team members, and livestream technicians
In fellowship, as coffee hosts, treat providers, funeral team members, small group leaders, Just for Fun event volunteers, and fellowship meal cooks, servers, and cleaners
In faith formation, as Sunday School and Confirmation teachers, VBS assistants, planning team members, and book group leaders
In outreach and justice, as Beacon leadership team members, Riverside Innovation Hub team members, quilters, planning team members, event volunteers, Just Gifts planning team and volunteers, and IOCP volunteers
In finance, as accounts payable and receivable volunteers, counters, endowment team members, planning team members, and stewardship team members
In congregational care, as Shepherd’s Team members, and prayer shawl knitters
In administration, as Council members and Staff Support Team members
In property, as building maintenance volunteers, gardeners, columbarium team members, and lawn and snow care volunteers
We have also benefited from the hard work of 50 scouts and leaders who donate time each year to help clean up and improve our property, and we have the privilege of being the recipient of two Eagle Scout projects this year.
Did you know, that of our volunteers,
Over 82% of them serve in more than one ministry area
8 volunteers are children or youth
Four family units have parents and children serving together
Five of our new musicians are friends from Peace Lutheran
At least 15 of the ministries listed above are wholly volunteer-led, with little to no staff leadership
Thank you for all you do in service of God and neighbor.