Children and Youth Ministry

Sunday School- Sundays @ 9:30 AM

  • Sailors (3 Yrs.- Kindergarten) & Mariners (1st-4th grade)

    • These two classes are studying the Bible using the Lego-based curriculum, “Building Faith, Brick by Brick”

  • Navigators (5th-6th grade) & Seafarers (7th-8th grade)

    • Fuller Youth Institute’s most recent research has identified that the three most important questions that teens are asking all around the US (in church and out) are: Who am I? Where do I fit in? And What difference can I make? Each year of Confirmation will tackle a Big Question by breaking it down into more specific questions that we address with Bible stories and pieces of the catechism.

  • 9th Grade Confirmation

    • 9th graders have the opportunity to synthesize their learning from the past three years, and to make their Affirmation of Faith on Reformation Sunday.

  • Milestone Ministries

    • Throughout the year, there are opportunities for children, families, and people of all ages to learn and to celebrate that learning in worship. Be on the lookout for Milestone classes about Getting to Know Your Bible, Do Justice, Generosity, and First Communion.

  • Families in Worship

    • You are invited to come to one of our worship services at either 8:30 AM or 10:30 AM. Worshipping together as a family is incredibly important and our goal is to allow learning and worship each and every Sunday morning for your family. Bibles are given out each year to second graders. If you need a bible, please contact Pastor Tom or the church office and we will get one to you.

Adult Education

Pastor’s Bible Study

  • Pastor Tom Olson leads a study each Tuesday morning from 9:30-10:45 AM. Sometimes we study the upcoming Gospel reading for the week, other times we may be reading a book, or following a DVD study series.  New participants are welcome at any time.  For more information, please contact Pastor Tom at

Word for Women

  • A study group that meets on Thursday mornings from 9:30-11:00 AM.

Sounding Board

  • Sounding Board is a discussion group for men who would like to talk about spiritual challenges in their daily life. Topics are often exchanged throughout the week via email within the group. We support one another and seek to develop good relationships with people in our lives. Sounding Board is a safe place without judgment. If you would like to be included in our mailing list, send your email address to Paul Nicholson at

Book Discussion Group

  • This group meets the third Thursday of the month at 1:00 PM to discuss a novel. Please contact Beth Grosen at

Small Groups

Solo Sisters

  • A fellowship group for women of all ages who enjoy the opportunity to “go and do.” This group meets the first Monday of each month at 10:00 AM. For more information, please contact Julie Hanson at

Coffee, Conversation, & Cards

  • This Men's Small Group is held on Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM in the fellowship hall to play various card games (bring your favorite!) and catch up with one another. Anyone is welcome to join.

Men’s Breakfast Group

  • This men’s Small Group meets at Perkins on Hwy 55 & 494 on the 1st Friday of each month at 9:00am to enjoy good food and conversation. This group is open to all men in our congregation and their friends.

Seniors & Friends

  • On the 2nd Tuesday of every other month (starting in January) at 11:00am we start with a worship service, then share a meal together in the Ministry Center. This event is open to all people, even as we have a target audience of our senior members, and those who might be more shut-in and not able to be out and about. Non-seniors are welcome (that’s the “friends” part). Also, if you are in need of a ride to this event, please let us know.  We will try to connect people who need rides with those who are willing to give rides. Please sign up in the narthex, or call the church office to be added to the list. 


OWLs (Older and Wiser Lutherans)

  • A fellowship group for all who self-identify as Older & Wiser.  This group meets every other month starting in February each year.

Barney’s Birdies Women’s Golf Group

  • A seasonal small group that meets on Wednesday nights, June through September. Tee times start at 5 PM at Baker Evergreen Executive Course in Medina. For questions, call or text Laurie Robarge at (612) 845-5612 or Bonnie Welshons at (612) 327-9248.

Quilters for Lutheran World Relief

  • The Quilters meet every Friday morning at 9:30 AM. Quilts, both small and large, are tied and hemmed for North Memorial hospital and Lutheran World Relief. Prep work is often done on Thursdays at 9:30 AM. All skill levels are welcome; sewing skills are not needed! If you'd like to join, please contact Rose Ann Parks at (763) 360-7758.

Nordic Walking

  • Nordic walking is a total body version of walking that can be enjoyed by everyone of all ages! It is a health promoting activity with specially designed poles. Some of the benefits include improved balance, cardio fitness, and upper body strengthening. It is an effective and efficient mode of exercise to improve fitness. It also reduces the stress on hips and knees as you walk. Nordic walking takes place on Monday evenings at 4:00 PM. We meet in the French Park parking lot. Barb Sanders is coordinating the group and brings loaner poles on a first come, first served basis for those who'd like them during the walk. You can sign up at the Welcome Center here at church, or you may call Barb at (763) 559-5990.