Serving the Gathered Community

Worship Serving Opportunities

We use Ministry Scheduler Pro to schedule our Sunday morning volunteers. Service opportunities include Assisting Minister, Lector, Communion Assistant, Greeter, Usher, Cantor, Livestream Operator, Sound Technician, Cantor, Acolyte, Coffee Host, and Treat Provider.

So many opportunities to consider! Talk to Pastor Tom if any of them interest you.

Service Teams

Funeral Team

  • Contact Brenda at to volunteer.

Sanctuary Care Team

  • This team is looking for additional persons to assist with communion set-up and clean-up. Current members will work with you until the activity seems comfortable. There are photos and a 3-ring binder located in the sacristy to help answer questions. Please talk Nancy Walczak if you have interest or questions.

Shepherding Team

  • This team is seeking people who would like to reach out to visitors and members alike. If you’re interested in joining (we will train people in the process), please contact Rose Ann Parks at (763) 360-7758.

Property Care

  • It takes a village to care for the beautiful property with which we’ve been entrusted. From lawn mowing, to leaf removal, to garden care, there’s much to do. During the winter, there are plenty of projects to do indoors. Contact Karl at if you’d like to help!